Art in Alternative Spaces

New World - Encaustic & Collage on Plywood - Shelley Gilchrist 

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Why I love Chicago...

"I have lived on both coasts.    Why do I love Chicago?     why am I now a "lifer"?    Chicago has everything - it's a vibrant and socially, artistically and ethnically eclectic city.    It's a city that is self-aware and not self-impressed.    It's a city that strives to do better on all fronts.    All it lacks is the smog of San Diego, the granite indifference of Boston, the smugness of San Francisco, and the arrogance of New York.   Except for that sub-zero week every year, Chicago is the most together, balanced place for singles or families to make a life.    However, we should still keep it quiet that this city is the great place that it is - we don't want everyone moving here!"  

                    - Shelley Gilchrist 

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858 W. Armitage #354, Chicago, IL 60614

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